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5月23日美国德州大学Kai Koong教授应邀来我校进行访问交流,上午教授与我院教师进行了座谈,下午为我院研究生做了题为“Strategies for Attaining Research Excellence”的讲座,讲座主要有三部分内容,Writing and Marketing the Manuscript;Identifying and Selecting Publishing Outlets;Networking and Responding to Editors and Review。我院研究生积极参加了此次讲座,通过本次学术活动,进一步促进经管院服务科学与信息领域方面的对外交流,为经管院科研工作与论文发表提供指导。

Kai Siak Koong 教授系泛美分校商学院计算机信息系统与量化方法系教授、系主任,德州大学泛美分校商学院MBA负责人。Kai Siak Koong 教授发表学术论文60 多篇, 是International Journal of Services and Standards的主编、International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organizations、International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development、Journal of Computer Information Systems、Journal of International Technology and Information Management等多个国际期刊的编委。Kai Koong教授同时担任多项社会兼职:Editor in Chief, International Journal of Services and Standards;Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education;Editorial Review Board Member, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development;Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Computer Information Systems;Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Information Systems Education;Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of International Technology and Information Management;Editor, Conference Proceedings, Decision Sciences Institute;Committee Member, Association for Chinese Management Educators;Board Member, Microsoft Enterprise Consortium;Guest Speaker, Texas Valley Delegation to China;Chairperson, Rio Grande Valley Information Technology Summit Web-Based Entrepreneur Competition.

上一篇: 我院在第二十六届校园文化艺术节“青春献给党”舞蹈大赛喜获两项一等奖

下一篇: 经管院举办“感恩伴成长,诚信助成才”演讲比赛
